2022 Municipal Election

The 2022 Municipal Election takes place on Wednesday, October 26th. For frequently asked questions about municipal elections, please visit the Municipal Relations website.  The 2022 Candidates Guidebook is also available for more information. 

Important dates are as follows:

Candidate Registration Starts 

  • Mayors/Reeves - May 1, 2022

  • Councillors – June 30, 2022

Nomination - September 14, 2022 to September 20, 2022

Campaign Period Starts

  • Mayors/Reeves - May 1, 2022

  • Councillors - June 30, 2022

Withdrawal Deadline - September 21, 2022

Election Day - October 26, 2022 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Offices of Councillor:

(six to be elected)

  1. ABRAMS, Christopher

  2. FRIESEN, Ken

  3. FRIESEN, Sheldon

  4. FROST, Doug

  5. HIEBERT, Garry

  6. LASSNIG, Florian

  7. MADDOCK, Gordon

  8. PENNER, Nancy

  9. SMITH, Sheldon

  10. WENTZ, Madison


  • The Campaign Finance By-law regulates campaign expenses and contributions to candidates and includes limits on contribution amounts received and expenses incurred.

    Contributions to Candidates

    Legislation restricts who may contribute to a candidate’s campaign:

    Contributions may only be received from:

    • Residents of Manitoba

    Contributions may not be received from:

    • Unions, corporations or any other organizations, for example the chamber of commerce or rotary club.

    • Anonymous contributors. Any candidate who receives an anonymous contribution must turn it over to the SEO.

    Legislation establishes the maximum amount that a person may contribute. Monetary and non- monetary contributions are counted towards the limit.

    The maximum amounts an individual can contribute to one candidate:

    $1,500 to mayors;

    $1,500 to councillors;

    These contribution limits also apply to candidates and their spouses.

  • Candidate Registration

    All prospective candidates must register with the SEO during the registration period before they begin their campaign. Through this process, a candidate becomes authorized to commence an election campaign.

    Registration Period

    For each election, the registration period:

    • for head of council begins on May 1 and ends at the close of nominations;

    • for councillors begins on June 30 and ends at the close of nominations.

    Registration Forms

    Prospective candidates must include their name and address and the office (head of council or councillor) they are seeking as well as any additional information required by the SEO. Those who will be receiving monetary campaign contributions from others must also include the name and address of the financial institution and the number of the bank account they will be using for purposes of their election campaign.

    Once registered, candidates must notify the SEO in writing of any changes in the information provided in their registration form.

    Registration for candidates for Mayor begins on Sunday, May 1, 2022 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

    Registration for candidates for Councillor begins on Thursday, June 30, 2022 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

  • Any person who is eligible to vote in municipal elections in the Local Authority of the City of Morden can have his or her name added to the Voters List, or have any information about the voter on the Voters List corrected.

  • In order to qualify as a candidate for municipal council, a person must be:

    • A Canadian citizen,

    • At least 18 years of age on Election Day,

    • A resident of Manitoba,

    • A qualified voter of the municipality (has either resided or owned property in the municipality for at least 6 months before Election Day),

    • not subject to disqualification under The Municipal Act or any other Act.

    Becoming a candidate for Council involves two important steps:

    Registration Process; and

    Nomination Process

  • Candidates must submit nomination papers which provide evidence of support from eligible voters.

    Before a candidate is permitted to file nomination papers, they must have already filed their registration form. Nomination papers are provided to prospective candidates at the time of registration.

    All nomination papers must be filed in-person with the Senior Election Official during the nomination period which begins on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

    All nominations must be supported by a number of eligible voters whose names appear on the voters list. For Mayor or Councillor, nominations must be signed by at least 25 voters of the municipality. Candidates must use the voters list provided to confirm that they have acquired the signatures of 25 eligible voters.

    All nomination papers will be available for public inspection. A list of nominated candidates will be available on this website.

  • The campaign period is the time during which a registered candidate, or any person acting on their behalf, can accept contributions or incur campaign expenses.

    The campaign period for candidates for Mayor commences upon registration (registration begins May 1, 2022) and ends March 31, 2023. The campaign period for candidates for Councillor commences upon registration (registration begins June 30, 2022) and ends March 31, 2023. It is only during this period that candidates can solicit contributions and expend funds for the purposes of election.

    The Candidates Guidebook outlines the regulations for campaign financing and the requirement to file an audited financial statement.

  • A person is eligible to have their name added to the Voters List if they are:

    A Canadian citizen and at least 18 years of age on Election Day; and

    A resident of the City of Morden for at least six months prior to Election Day, OR a registered owner of land in the City of Morden for at least six moths prior to Election Day.

    Any person can request to have his or her name and address obscured from the Voters List.

    A person whose name has been obscured will receive a Personal Security Certificate and identification number. That person may only vote by Sealed Envelope Ballot and cannot vote in person at the regular or advance voting places.

    To implement the above, a written request must be submitted to the Senior Election Official, in person, by e-mail, fax or mail to:

    Morden Civic Centre

    100-195 Stephen Street, Morden MB, R6M 1V3
    Phone: (204)822-4434
    Fax: 204-822-6494

  • All registered candidates must file a Candidate Election Finance Statement with the City Manager. Please refer to the Campaign Expenses and Contributions Guide for additional information on this matter.

AMM Municipal Elections Resources

The AMM Municipal Elections Resource Hub has useful information for those interested in running for Council.

2022 AMM Municipal Elections Resources