Morden Vaccination Supersite

Contributing to Manitoba’s Vaccine Campaign

Manitoba's first COVID-19 immunization clinic launched on December 16, 2020, and immunized 900 health care workers. Since then, more than 30,000 doses of vaccine have been given.  The largest immunization campaign in Manitoba’s history is now underway and will take us to the next step of protection from the pandemic. Morden will play an important role by becoming a super site for vaccination.

The COVID-19 vaccination supersite is set to open at the Access Event Centre in Morden on March 22nd. Individuals who meet provincial eligibility criteria for immunization can begin making their appointments through the provincial call centre. Eligibility criteria can be found at, and you can reach the call centre at 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC). Daily hours of operation are from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

What does this mean for the Access Event Centre?

“We thank the users of the facility for their patience as we try to meet their needs while providing the region with the vaccine site,” Clare Agnew, Director of Community Services commented, “The Access Event Centre will be a busy place, and while some activities may not be able to come back as early as they had hoped, the vaccines are essential and this is our opportunity to contribute to the overall goal of protecting Manitobans from COVID-19.”

Anyone coming to the Access Event Centre, other than for the vaccine, on or after March 22, will be required to use the marked door at the main entrance. To ensure the Access Event Centre operates with Covid regulations in place, the exit, as well as parking, will be the East Doors by the Co-op Arena. Please follow the signage throughout the facility.

The Co-op Arena and Kinsmen Room can be booked for events and programs that are able to follow current public health guidelines. Masks are still mandatory in all indoor public places, including while on the ice. The registered walking program will continue with a more limited space to walk, but with warmer weather on the horizon, we expect many to choose to walk outdoors. Hall Bookings, Morden Chiropractic Meeting Centre bookings and any programming that has taken place in those spaces will be suspended while the vaccine supersite is in place.

The Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre will continue to operate with a temporary entrance and the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame will continue to operate as usual.