New Water Tank at Access Event Centre

When the City of Morden identified drought concerns, the Community Services Department implemented several ideas to reduce the water use from the department.

In July 2021, City Council approved the purchase of a 10,000-gallon tank to supply non-potable, non-city sourced water to the Community Services Department.

A large amount of water is used each year in the installation and maintenance of the arena ice. Ice installation takes approximately 10,000 to 12,000 gallons of water per arena. 

New water tank at Access Event Centre

New water tank at Access Event Centre

Each flood takes an additional 100 gallons. Approximately 130 floods are completed each week between September and April, and 90 floods between May and August. An estimated annual usage of 350,000 gallons of water is used for arena ice each year. This is equivalent to approximately 43 households' annual water usage. 

β€œBy implementing this alternative way to supply water for arena ice, we are ensuring we can continue to use the arena in drought conditions. With all the construction happening over the last year, we did not want to be in a situation that we could not use the new arena, so we came up with this idea. We will be sharing the details with other arenas in southern Manitoba for them to consider as a water-saving option as well,” shared Clare Agnew, Director of Community Services. 

β€œWe are planning on continuing this method in the future, even if water is not a shortage. It is not necessary to use treated water for ice maintenance. We are optimistic this will help sustain the arena and help the community with its water needs at the same time,” explained Tim Harsant, Facilities Manager.

Mayor Brandon Burley commented, "every opportunity we have to help with the drought situation is welcomed. When staff bring ideas to Council that can help with our drought challenges, we are happy to provide our support. This was a creative solution to being able to provide ice for this winter."

In addition to the Zamboni needs, other uses for the water may include:

  • Parks use - tree flowers

  • Irrigation for ball diamonds

  • Public works/operations use - dust control, job sites etc.

  • Building of outdoor rinks