Parking and/or storage of a highway tractor on residential property.

The parking and/or storing of a highway tractor on your residential driveway is a violation of the City of Morden Zoning By-Law 08-2017. If you park or store a highway tractor on a residential property you could receive a fine and the vehicle could be towed.

To view, the complete text of this and the other City of Morden By-Laws click here.

If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact our By-Law Officer at (204) 822-2562.

City of Morden Zoning By-Law 08-2017 - Section 25.3 3) d) page 40.

d) Vehicle Limitations in β€œRS-L”, RS-S”, & β€œRT” Districts Boats, trailers, and motor homes may be parked on these residential properties if they are owned by the property owner or tenant, intended for the use of that property owner or tenant, and subject to the following:

i. The vehicles are located entirely on the residential property;

ii. The vehicles may be parked within a front or side yard only on an improved driveway;

iv. The vehicles are not used as a residential dwelling or for any other permanent or temporary occupancy;

v. No more than 6 vehicles [includes passenger cars, trucks, boats, trailers, travel trailers, motor homes, and similar] may be parked on a residential property and, of these, no more than 4 vehicles shall be located between the front property line and the front wall of the residential building;

 vi. No commercial vehicle exceeding a maximum gross vehicle weight of 10 000 lb [4 600 kg] may be parked on a residential property.