Protecting Morden Residents from West Nile Virus: Essential Precautions to Take

Morden, Manitoba - Manitoba Health has reported that two mosquito pools in Morden have tested positive for West Nile Virus. With the moderate risk of contracting the disease in the region, Morden residents are advised to take the steps necessary to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

According to the latest update released on Manitoba Health's website, warmer weather and recent rain events provide optimal conditions for mosquito activity. To further lower the risk, Morden residents can reduce their time spent outdoors during peak mosquito hours, use mosquito repellent, wear light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and pant legs, and maintain door and window screens so they fit tightly and are free of holes. Additionally, residents can reduce the number of mosquitoes around their homes by eliminating standing water.

"Taking simple precautions when spending time outside in the evening and night-time, especially in areas with known mosquito activity, can help ensure Mordenites stay safe." Shawn Dias, Park & Urban Forestry Director.

For more information about West Nile Virus and how to protect yourself, please visit Manitoba Health's website.