Citizen Rep Needed for Morden Police Board

Help to serve and protect your community. The Morden Police Board is currently seeking to fill one (1) membership opening for Citizen Representative.

The Morden Police Board, according to By-law 14-2012 states that the board will consist of at least five members:

  • 3 - Council members or employees of the City of Morden

  • 1 - At Large person appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council

  • 3 - Citizens appointed by Council

Eligibility for Membership:

  1. At least 18 years of age,

  2. A Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, and

  3. Resides in, is employed in or has a business interest in the municipality or another area in which the police service provides policing services.

How to apply:

Please provide a short letter describing your interest in serving on the police board and why you feel you would be a good representative on the board. All applications need to be originals with a signature so please do not send them by email. Submit your letter in person or by mail to the Morden Civic Centre: 100 – 195 Stephen Street, Morden, Manitoba, R6M 1V3.

Applications are due by September 23, 2024.

How often will meetings be held?

The Police Board must hold a meeting at least once every three months. These meetings would be open to the public.

Is there any remuneration for being on the board?

The Council may provide for reasonable remuneration to members of the police board who are not members of the Council.